Olivia, Genevieve and Emily Sloan accompanied us to City Hall to receive an award from Mayor Funkhouser. Thursday, August 19, the city recognized Endless Boundless as an outstanding summer program for KC youth. We shook hands with the big wigs, posed with big certificates and are excited to distribute certificates to all our Summer 2010 students!
We couldn't be more proud of our students and our community. It's important to us that we be able to work alongside inspirational folks (that's you) to learn about ecosystems and symbiotic relationships, create a new world where everything/one is interconnected and work in a supportive classroom community. We want to sustain this work and keep it all free of charge for students. A little recognition from our fair city won't hurt that! Big thank-yous to Kansas City.
Please excuse the sorry cell phone pictures; more legible photos to come!